Old Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6PP

0207 739 6187

Elizabeth Selby Infants' School



The vision for music at Elizabeth Selby Infants is to cultivate a love of music in every child and develop their musical skills and understanding through active participation, performance and exposure to various musical styles and cultures.


At Elizabeth Infants’ School we aim to make music an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through

which we aim to build up the confidence of all children. Singing lies at the heart of good music teaching. Our teaching focuses on developing the children’s ability to sing in tune and with other people. Through singing songs, children learn about the structure and organisation of music. We teach them to listen and to appreciate different forms of music. As children move across the year groups we expect them to maintain their concentration for longer and to listen to more extended pieces of music. Children develop descriptive skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent feelings and emotions. We teach them the disciplined skills of recognising pulse and pitch. We also teach children how to work with others to make music, how individuals combine together to make sounds and

how to compose music to play together.


The school uses the ‘Music Express’ Scheme as a guide for planning, teaching, and learning and assessment. The scheme is based on the QCA units and provides coverage and progression of all National Curriculum programmes of study. Also our school emphasis is on making the teaching of music cross-curricular wherever possible. There are opportunities for children to perform regularly in school for their parents and in the wider community (Silk Court). Children also take part in a singing assembly every week led by head teacher and thus contributes to musical festival assemblies such as Harvest, Eid , Spring  and Christmas assembly​. 



The Foundation Stage

We teach music in reception classes as an integral part of the topic work covered during the year. As the reception class is part of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, we relate the musical aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELG) and EYFS Framework which underpin the curriculum planning for children from birth to five. Music contributes to a child’s personal and social development. Counting songs foster a child’s mathematical ability, and songs from different cultures increase a child’s knowledge and understanding of the world.